Floyd County Economic Development Authority to Launch New Website (www.yesfloydva.org)
The new website is designed with the Floyd logo that is shared with the Town and County Tourism and Economic Development Departments. Sharing it across the Town and County tourism and economic development channels empowers community representatives to attract new visitors and investment in support of each current resident. The Floyd logo is a combination of logomark and wordmark that is rooted in both local meaning and global relevance. Floyd is an incredible source for all things creative, and our logo ties closely to that aspect of the community’s identity. The logomark draws from patterns found in traditional quilts and calls to the patchwork landscape of agricultural farmlands that link our community’s modern and traditional ways of life. The middle of the symbol is open to serve as the “O” in Floyd, but also visually represents the inviting nature of those in our community.

The new website is the product of the Floyd County EDA’s action plan and marketing strategy. The website will feature more infographics, images and videos that align with our key messaging.
The new website’s featured updates include: Key Industries, a Floyd Community Video (Floyd…More Than You Think), resources to Start or Grow your business, interactive maps and sites and buildings database, talent attraction, a job board, and better search engine optimization.
The new website will officially launch June 1, 2021. For more information about Economic Development in Floyd County, email info@yesfloydva.org.